This offer ends in...

I know I'm not alone in struggling with speaking up. Even as a Christian counselor and coach, I've had to learn some valuable lessons the hard way. Lessons about how important it is to speak up for yourself when you need to.

I realized that although I knew how to speak up, I didn’t speak up, because I was afraid. 

     >> Afraid of making my friends angry with me.

     >> Afraid of hurting people's feelings. 

    >> Afraid of rejection. 

     >> Afraid of appearing like I was overreacting and judgmental.

Maybe you have felt this way too. Maybe you have paid a high price for being too nice. 

If that is the case, then I have a special invitation for you. Join me in the Moving Beyond People Pleasing Video Course + Small Group Summer Coaching. 

Interested? Keep reading below. 

This course + small group coaching combination is the culmination of 25 years of private practice and hundreds of hours helping women learn how to establish healthy boundaries in any relationship, but especially those that might be destructive.

This course + small group coaching combination would be great for you if ...

  • You regularly say YES when you really want to say NO - you might even be afraid to speak in your own home. 
  • You over-function and act like it’s okay for others to under-function (but secretly resent it)
  • You fear conflict and walk on eggshells most days.
  • You dread disapproval - even if it means doing things that degrade you. 
  • You are tired of living for the approval of others - your spouse, your mom, your kids. 
  • You feel manipulated and used but don’t know how to stop it.

 Here's what you will receive 
in this Course + Group 
Coaching Opportunity :


Leslie writes an e-book just for this group to help you to face your fears, speak up for yourself, and establish healthier boundaries.

Private Facebook Group

A private members only group where you can ask questions, get support and stay encouraged. 


You will receive a detailed handout for each video so that you can take notes with each video to help you put into practice what you are


Each video comes with a full transcript. This will be especially helpful if English is not your first language, you are hearing impaired, or you like to read while watching the video.  


This Small Group Coaching + Course Material will meet weekly and will dive deep into the 13 teaching videos (delivered in 3 modules). Each Module has several short videos, transcripts, handouts and homework.

Module 1:  This module will help you understand why you say yes when you want to, or should say NO. In this module you will understand the high price of being too nice and what is really going on in your heart when you say yes compulsively. You will learn about the idols of the heart and how to pray a prayer of surrender.

Module 2: Module 2 contains videos that will help you discover who you are and how to become uniquely you instead of trying to be who other people want you to be. You will learn how to grow to be more the person God calls you to be, including stewarding wisely your resources of time, energy, money and talents. Leslie will also show you how to have a conversation with those who you are currently in relationship with to let them know how you are changing so that your new assertiveness doesn't come as a surprise. 

Module 3: In this module, you will watch videos to help you understand the difference between a biblical peacemaker,  peacekeeper, or peacefaker. Leslie will show you how to use your voice to be more assertive, resolve conflict, speak up for yourself, and how to set effective boundaries. You will also learn how to handle the disappointment, disapproval and anger of others when you start saying no and they aren't happy. 

BONUS TEACHING: Moving Beyond Broken Trust. In this two-part video series, Leslie explains the various ways trust gets broken in a relationship and what it takes to rebuild and move beyond broken trust so that a relationship can be restored.

You will get LIFETIME ACCESS to the course materials and the small group class replays.
After your six group Zoom meetings, you can c
ome back as many times as you want to retake the course.

You will get lifetime access to my Moving Beyond People Pleasing Video course PLUS be part of a six-week small coaching group with one of my expert coaches. 

To make this group even more impactful, we are limiting each class to 25 participants. We offer morning, daytime and evening class times. Want to learn about dates and times? Click here.

These groups will fill up fast and when they are full, they’re closed.

Here’s what will happen next once you join the MBPP coaching group:

1. You will receive immediate access to the Moving Beyond People Pleasing Video Course with all the handouts, homework and transcripts. Get started watching these now (Before the 1st group meeting).

2. You will be invited to join a private FB page just for those who are in the small group coaching program so you can interact with one another right away and get support and accountability while you are viewing the course materials. My coaches will be there to answer your questions.

3.  Your six-week group coaching begins the week of July 10th and will continue weekly through the week of August 14th. They will be done through Zoom. For the best results, start watching the class videos BEFORE your coaching group sessions begin. That way you will know better where you need help to put the material into practice in your own situation.

There are only 25 spots for each class and by signing up, you are reserving your spot. No refunds will be issued after July 1st because you have reserved this spot that someone else could have had.  

Each Zoom coaching class will be recorded so if you must miss one, you can view it later.


Get the full video course + group coaching for $297 (a $50 savings) if you enroll by 11:59 pm Eastern on Friday, June 23rd, 2023.

Here’s what actual participants are saying about this course:

"Initially I was concerned about not fitting in because I am no longer married but as I listened to the topics that came up, I was alarmed at overlapping memories.(Ex. the member whose husband belittled her new haircut..... I remember when I experienced something almost identical, it was unbelievable! Although it was not ongoing, there were other issues that I've got to let go of.

My coach is truly gifted in her ability to meet each one of us in the middle of our "chaos" and give us incites on how to respond appropriately.

This experience is a Godsend!!!!"

"The coaching group was extremely helpful, mostly because it confirmed that my behaviors and decisions were dictated by pleasing others and the fear that I could be rejected. A very simple example of a small change was in my profession. I am a teacher and am teaching a different grade level in middle school. When asked via email from a committee chair for volunteers for a new chairman and treasurer, I didn't respond in my usual way. I politely declined and said that I would help in any way possible, but that I couldn't take on another responsibility. I did not obsess over how the others would think of me. Not my responsibility because I know that I am doing the right thing for me."

"I was able to find greater peace about where I've been and where I'm headed due to this course. Don't doubt myself as much when my husband tries to bully me. More sure of me. I don't have a plan laid out for my marriage's future. But it is dead, if ever a marriage were dead. I feel quite 'done'. I don't have the heart to approach him about trying counseling. I know God has a good future and plan for me and it is unfolding everyday even if I can't see around the next bend in the road. Thank you for serving God and us Leslie-you are a great blessing. I find myself holding my head up higher and walking in a little more confidence. Especially since some family members are still trying to tear me down. It helps to know that I am on the right track.

Leslie provides real-life techniques, role playing and straightforward, biblical wisdom. It is great to have practical and tangible ideas and action items to use in our day to day lives. I got the most benefit from the coach's insight when discussing issues and reviewing and providing information and techniques from the homework."

"I am much more detached emotionally from my husband, while at the same time feeling empathy for how it must be to be so broken that he would feel compelled to react the way he does. In the past, I was detached for a time, but with anger. This is actually a big change.... I am really able to catch myself in people pleasing thinking and stop myself...I catch it, ask myself questions about my motives, then decide whether I should go ahead or not. Then I am completely fine speaking up, and saying whatever I need to, to hold on to my new 'non-people pleasing boundaries'. This has been very freeing for me!"

"Thanks to this group  I've become aware how approval and fear of disappointing someone prevents me from doing what is truthful for me.  I'm identifying those times and now pressing through that fear. I am more honest about my feelings."

"I have realized that my husband had the God spot in my life. This has helped me to see that I am not sinning in making my own worship choices, despite what he tells me. This has taken a huge burden off my heart. I am no longer feeling like I have to make everything okay, especially after none of his tirades. I now get that his unhappiness resides in him and it is not my job to fix it. I still struggle, but I am able to research the videos to reinforce what I have learned."